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Wednesday, December 21, 2011

One Month!!!

Little Mister is 1 month!!

John Michael has had a busy month!!!  He turned one month on Dec. 15th.  He also go to finally meet his Aunt Jamie and cousins Lila and Nora, who he adore.  On December 17th he was Baptized at St. Therese Church where Dan and I were married.  His Godparents are my brother and sister-in-law Bobby and Angela Wooldridge.  John was fantastic during the baptism, he didn't cry, he just let out a little bit of enjoyment from his back end when the priest stopped talking.  So it made us giggle!!  It was his I am sooo happy poop!  On the 18th he made it through his first Poppa Christmas and then got to meet Santa at his Cousin Madison and Auntie Liz's house!!!

Dan and I are very excited to spend John Michael's first Christmas with our wonderful family and friends.  Merry Christmas and we hope everyone has a fun and safe Holiday Season with their families.  John Michael can't wait to meet all of his new friends!!  Here are some pics of John Michael being a goof ball in his Santa Suit, his baptism and Poppa Christmas!!!

Dancing Santa!!

Little Mister's all dressed up!

Mommy, Daddy, John Michael and his Godparents Bobby and Angela!

Poppa Christmas!  Being fed by Cousin Lauren.

Santa, John Michael and Madison

Santa has some competition!!!

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