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Sunday, February 19, 2012

3 Months and Growing!

I have failed to update this, sorry.  We have been super busy with John Michael and starting back to work.  At John Michael's 2 month check up: Head- 15.25, height- 21.25 and topping the charts at a 10. 1/2 oz.   Fatty McButter pants had his first shots and was not a happy camper.  This is the pic prior to his shots.
Little Mister is starting to show a lot more personality.  On January 2nd he found himself in the mirror and we got out first real smile!!  He loves to play in his swing and in his bumbo.
Dan's Aunt Kathy gave John Michael his bear suite for winter weather and we put it too good use.   Since we have had such fantastic weather this winter, little mister has LOVED taking walks and being outside.  We cannot wait for warmer weather to go swimming in Muddie's (Grandma Joyce) pool and being outside with the dogs. 

 John Michael was questioning grandma.. apparently she was not able to change his mind
 Madison has proven to be the best little helper.  John Michael LOVES his cousin Madison and lights up ever time she comes over.  When she reads him a book, he is captivated by her and cannot stop watching her.
 John Michael meets GG Jan 3, 2012.

This next pic was all on John Michael.  He apparently thinks that he is a calendar model and posed himself for the month of January.  It was hilarious, so of course I had to take a picture!!!

Dr. Poppa (Grandpa) and Dr. Wooldridge

                                                             I love to stick my tongue out!

John Michael felt that he should look official for his big day working at Grandpa's office

Dan snapped a pic of me and the boy napping.


Why hello ladies, here is his belly!

Pope John Michael

Other fun milestones, he grabs, swats, and kicks and can drool like a champ.  John started holding his head up on his own at 12 weeks, but at 13 weeks he did it consistantly with no help.  He's a crazy little man.  If we hold him up, standing on our stomachs, he has learned to "walk" up our chest with our assistance of holding him.  John Michael has found his voice and boy does he love it, as well as screaming and babbling to his bird while in the swing.  Luckily he can entertain himself for a while, so I can get some cleaning done!  He has rolled over twice,  once of Feb 4th and then Feb 19th.  He has been sleeping up to 6-7 hrs, which is fantastic for us, but he hates napping very long during the day.  Hope everyone is well.  I will try and be better about updating.

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