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Friday, November 11, 2011

Fun at NKC Hospital!

Dan and I went for our 38 week appt today.  We are 38 wks 2 days, only 12 days left!!!  We are super excited and can hardly wait to meet him.  Little Mr. has been stubborn when it comes to moving, I think he's getting a little too comfy because with out being coerced, he gets content and just moves when the mood strikes him!  I know the fetal movement slows considerably as there is not much space to move, however I still get nervous.  Appt went well, I am 50% effaced and 1 cm dilated.  So, some progress, but not as much as I'd hope.  But he is right on track for them.  

For the past couple of days, I have had extreme headaches that Tylenol is not taking care of, so I had my BP checked and it was high.  Throughout this pregnancy my BP has been fantastic which is unusual for me, but hey I'll take it.  So, because of his lazy movement and my high BP they sent me for a non stress test.  4 hours after being hooked up to the monitors and my BP fluctuating between 139-1542 systolic and 80-94 diastolic, they have placed me on bed rest for the rest of my pregnancy and if my diastolic goes above 90 while on bed rest then I have to call and more than likely they will admit me.  They were very hesitant on letting me go today, but were hoping that my BP will correct itself with rest.  Blood work and tests came back fantastic so other than high BP baby and I are well.  Sucks that this will be the second time being placed on bed rest, and if you truly know me, I am not good at following orders or laying around.  I kinda need to be working or doing something, BUT for little Mr. I will be good!! 

On Tuesday we have an ultrasound set up to see how big John is measuring!!  They did give me permission to come in for that, so there's a highlight for the week.  If I get an updated pic I will post it!  That's all the fun that is happening for now!!  I can't wait to spend the Holiday's with John Michael and our family and friends.  Hope my mommy friends that are due this month and next have a speedy delivery and can get some rest before the kiddos arrive!    

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