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Sunday, October 30, 2011

36 Weeks 3 days!

I have been really bad about updated baby boy's blog!!  Friday we went for our 36 week appt and everything is right on track.  Little guy kinda of gave them a scare because they thought he flipped back and wasn't head down, so we had yet another ultrasound, which showed he is still head down,

just stubborn and
has not engaged yet.  My cervix is softening but not dilated yet.  But that is just fine, we were hoping for him to come a little early and maybe on Grandpa Mike's birthday which was Oct. 29, but John has other plans!!!  Which ever person's birthday he chooses to land on in November will be fine too.. He has a lot to choose from.

Oct 22, I had a fantastic baby shower put on by my mother- in- law and sister-in-laws.  It was a fantastic cowboy themed party with loving family and friends.  I don't have the pics to post, but I hope to get some up soon.  I want to thank all my family and friends who helped with both baby showers, they were fantastic and fun.  Little man is sure loved and has some fabulous clothes and toys!!  I will try and be better about posting weekly now that we are in the home stretch.  I hope my other mommy & mommy to be friends are doing well!!  

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