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Thursday, July 21, 2011

Holy Cow

I feel like a cow!!! 

I am 22 wks today and my check up was good.  Heart beat was at 145 and he is kicking like crazy when I get a chance to rest. I am super excited for my first baby shower on August 6th hosted by my Mom, Sister and Aunt Leanne!  They are doing a Hungry Caterpillar theme, and the invitations are super cute.  

In October my In-Laws are going to have the second baby shower with a cowboy theme!!  Can't wait!

I was a dork and made some iron on onesies, so Dan has banned me from any more craft stores!!  One of them didn't come out in one piece which makes me sad, because it said,"Arrgh Kiss My Booty".  

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Room Decor

We decided before we knew we were having a boy that even if it was a girl, we would do a western theme nursery.  Between my mom, Joyce (Dan's mom), Dan and I, I think we have already bought enough room decor with out even having the paint on the walls or furniture in place.  I think I need to be restrained from buying anymore western decor, I've slightly gone crazy.  Here are some pictures of Baby John Michael's room decoration

(This is the result of letting my mom and I go shopping together!!  Love that the long buckaroo wall hang is a height measure and that the door hang on one side says Lil' Buckaroo sleeping and on the other side says Lil' Buckaroo out on the range.) 

(Muddie: Grandma Joyce, bought this super cute rocking horse and outfit!!  I absolutely love the the rocking horse, it is awesome, I couldn't have found a better one.)
(Dan found the Cowboy hat which is a piggy bank and the cross to go over the doorway.  I searched and searched every hobby lobby type store for Western Style letters for above his crib and ended up buying these on line.  We are going to stain the letters to match the floors. )

We bought the paint for the room yesterday, it is called Antique Leather, I am excited to put it on the walls and see how everything looks.  We still have a lot to do in the nursery, and I can't wait until it is finished!

Saturday, July 16, 2011

It's a Boy!

                       Dan and I are happy to announce that we are having a baby boy!  
We are super excited to start a blog to share the development of Baby John Michael.  We found out that we were pregnant at four weeks, and had some hiccups in week 6 1/2 & 8.  It was very difficult not to tell any friends or most of the family that we were pregnant because we wanted to make sure everything was Ok first.  At 21 weeks 3 days, everything is going well and baby boy is doing awesome!  His due date is November 23, 2011.  

Last Thursday 7/7/11 was when we found out that we were having a boy, Dan was ecstatic and I almost jumped off the table in excitement.  We decided to tell our parents by making turkey onesies with the lettering in blue.  
Dan is busy around the house putting in wood floors and finishing the basement so we have more space with little guy arrives. The dogs don't seem to mind the baby's stuff taking over their former bed room, they are just skeptical of baby's stroller and my growing stomach.  Still not sure how they are going to react to not being center of attention.  Rowdy is a very needy loving dog that constantly has to lick your hand and receive pets and Rocky well, he is an old man who just lays on his bed and is content with doing nothing.  They are very spoiled dogs!!  We are slowly getting them acclimated to the baby's laundry detergent so that it is not a big shock when he arrives. 

We have our 22 week appt coming up this Thursday 7/21/11